Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This Sunday, will you stand with the body of Christ and be a voice for the voiceless?
Will you pray and be willing to act on behalf of the fatherless?
Will you give and provide for the needs of just one orphan who waits, in desperate need of the basic necessities of life?

This Sunday is Orphan Sunday. It is a chance to put a face on the worldwide orphan crisis. It is a chance to share about God's heart for the orphan and to remember the promises of God regarding those who share their blessings with those who have nothing.

We can make such a huge difference within our churches...and around the world...by taking that first step of faith. God calls us ALL to care for orphans and widows (James 1:27) and how He calls you or me make look very different from how He calls our neighbors. He may call you to sponsor a child, He may call you to go on a mission trip, He may call you to foster one whose world has been turned upside down, or He may call you to adopt.


One life at a time, one child at a time, this Orphan Sunday could mean a beautiful new beginning for one of His precious little children...and to think that He would bless us, with all of our faults and failures, with the privilege of being His hands and feet! Yes, indeed, He is merciful.

Just be willing.

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