Today we have two African children living in our home, they are our son and daughter, children of God. The Lord had to do some real work in our hearts in order for us to arrive here. We had to erase old ways and embrace the truth of the gospel. This didn't come easy or happen overnight. When we understood that we were to adopt from Africa, we had to continue to ask ourselves very hard questions like...
- Are we prepared to raise a black son and daughter through elementary, high school and college years?
- Are we fully in favor of inter-racial marriage for any or all of our children?
- Are we ready to abandon every single racial prejudice or preference in every setting?
These and many other questions had to be answered without waiver. While we deeply regret the past of our families and ourselves in regard to race, what has gone on for generations has stopped. By adopting children of another color our position is locked. We are all created equal and we have one Father who calls all of us His children! We are grateful and thankful for the redemptive work of Christ in our lives.
Our prayer is that racial divides would end, beginning in the church. We as Christians have to set the example. Adoption is just one way to break down racial divide.
As we are reminded in scripture... we are ALL created in the image of God. And for that we should be eternally thankful!